Sarang Bhola
Businessman - Researcher Academician -Intrapreneur

A Bit About Me
Sarang Bhola is proactive academic intrapreneur. He has embarked many academic and research reforms successfully at institute and university level. Basically a researcher and now in academics dealing with Marketing and Research courses at Post graduate and research level.
He found undertaking initiatives to make positive difference to the academic culture and goes beyond the normal call of duty to inspire students. He works boundless to help budding researchers and believe in working with them instead merely guiding. He is passionate to orient research to beginners by delivering sessions on research, writing blogs, sharing presentations and guiding individual researcher beginners. He has marked his presence in a few regional, national conferences and published research papers in Scopus indexed journals. He has to his credit a Patent and a few copyrights.
He is a research supervisor to doctoral scholars, 17 scholars awarded Ph.D. and 12 awarded M.Phil. under his supervision.
Sarang Bhola holds MBA and Ph.D. from Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Spanning around 18 years into teaching, 22 years in research and 8 years of experience with Industry.
Currently he is Associate Professor in Marketing and Head Department of Management, at Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research, Satara, Maharashtra, India. The institute is affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
He is also a Chairman Board of Studies in Management and Member of Academic Council of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He is Instrumental to bring face lift changes into the syllabus of management programs at university.